Snapchat On 20-Year Probation After Being Charged With Deceiving Users by @mattsouthern

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a press release this week stating that Snapchat has agreed to settle charges that it deceived users with false promises of disappearing messages. The FTC case also alleges that Snapchat deceived users in regards to the amount of personal data it collected and the security measures taken to protect that data.  FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez states:  If a company markets privacy and security as key selling points in pitching its service to consumers, it is critical that it keep those promises… Any company that makes misrepresentations to consumers about its privacy and security practices risks FTC action. […] The post Snapchat On 20-Year Probation After Being Charged With Deceiving Users by @mattsouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Snapchat On 20-Year Probation After Being Charged With Deceiving Users by @mattsouthern

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